Luka Chuppi

Our new collection of easy and elegant wear is reminiscent of those whimsical old days, where we find ourselves getting in touch with our inner child once again. Whilst reflecting and reimagining our ways of living, we are taking inspiration from a place of calmness, in self and in togetherness.


The collection, Luka Chuppi, takes you on a journey of laughter, friendships, surprises and serendipity! 

Reminisce a time when being oblivious and carefree was a delight, 
a time enveloped with child-like innocence and a heart without worries.

Relive those serendipitous moments of happy coincidences
and the simple joys of play 

In the shenanigans of patang bazi,
the wind too becomes a companion. 
The kites soar high.
So does the emotional thrill
echoed in ‘Vo Katta’!

The heart seeks the good old days, a game of luka-chuppi with our sakhi-saheliya.


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